Very funny!
Graphics-About a 8 i loved them.
Humor-10 wow everything was crazy,random,and funny as hell.
Voices-All really funny andthe sound was amazing everything was perfect.
Overall-One of the funniest random flashes ever!
Very funny!
Graphics-About a 8 i loved them.
Humor-10 wow everything was crazy,random,and funny as hell.
Voices-All really funny andthe sound was amazing everything was perfect.
Overall-One of the funniest random flashes ever!
Me happy.
Great artist
Graphics-10 i love your art style it's pure perfection.
Style-7 been done but still great.
Suggestions-When working on your "masterpiece" or whatever you wanna call it you should attempt to fix the lighting.
Overall-I love your style you're a fantastic artist i can't wait for your next drawing.
Thanks for the posative input. As per the lighting issue. I have tryed some thing different EVERY single time, but for some reason the camera's i am using just dont wanna pick up on the FINE FINE FINE detail. This is frustrating even me so you're not alone on that.
Graphics-8 Pretty good i loved it.
Lengh-lasted a while it was cool i liked all of it pretty amusing.
Style-Random and cool i loved the style morphmation is pretty cool.
Overall-nice flash keep up the good work i really liked this are you planning on making more?
Actually, I probably will make a ew more, taking into consideration what everyone has said. I've recieved some good tips, andi plan to use them. So yes, look out for more in the futute.
Very cool
Graphics-8 I liked the drawing but you need to have better lighing it was very hard to see the trace.
Style-Been done but it was still cool. 6
Overall-Pretty good some what entertaining.8
Suggestions-You should make a background too make it last longer that would give you a better score.
Every one has said the lighting is off in all of them, and i have tryed to correct it in every single one I have done. I am trying my hardest to correct this issue. Im sorry if you couldn't see it.
Graphics-8 i really liked most of the drawings.
Style-been done but still liked it7
lengh-pretty long liked a lot of it.
Suggestions-you need to make more of a story with the drawings like make a use for them not all just random.
thnx for the review the point of it it random drawings. but still thnx for the review... im new at flash.
Looks like it could be a sitcom
Graphics-about a 7 you need to improve the sprites and work on the lip sync alittle it wasn't bad but could be better,
Style-sprite sitcom have't seen one of those seems amusing. 8
Lengh-alittle short but nice joke looks like it could be a pretty enjoyable series good luck.
Thx man
I noticed that the lip synch was a little of after I submitted it.
Very good.
Graphics-about a seven was decent.
Humor-ha an original rick roll'd very rare thing to do i liked it.
Lengh-that's what lacked though but it was a good quick laugh.
Suggestions-keep up the random funny jokes but you should increase the dramatic effects you should have made it longer.
I actually made this a month ago. If I added anymore the filesize would've been too big.
lol What? Poeple like this? I honestly expected this to be blammed in less then 20 views.
Very great!
Are you kidding the quality was amazing.
graphics-8 i loved them.
Humor-10 funny original joke
sound-funny ass song
overall-quick laugh and nice for a one day flash.
:D Thanks
I'm officially a stat whore and helping people is very fun and rewarding. Ask my happy E-penis.
sitting on my ass
Joined on 4/13/07